Expecting a child is an exciting time in life, but it can also send your worrying into overdrive. You’ve probably researched everything from whether pacifiers are a good idea to the safest crib, bedding and toys. However, there’s one thing that probably hasn’t occurred to you: whether you should get a water conditioning system for your home. There are plenty of benefits to installing a water softener in your Scottsdale, AZ home, especially with a baby on the way. Better for formula Your baby needs safe, clean water if you’re feeding them formula. While water generally has a lot of... View Article
An industrial water treatment system treats water so it will be appropriate for a desired use. These systems are designed to meet purity standards and separate contaminants from a process fluid. Industrial water filters in Scottsdale, AZ can be anything from fairly straightforward systems to complex, multi-unit processes designed for a diverse range of applications. While water filters have been around for more than 2,000 years—archeologists have discovered evidence of their use dating back to the days of ancient Egypt—drinking water standards were only established in 1914. The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in the U.S. in 1974 to guarantee... View Article
Do you have hard water in your home? It can be a really annoying thing to have to deal with on a daily basis, but it doesn’t have to be that way! There are options to eliminate this problem, including a variety of types of home water treatments in Scottsdale, AZ that can help. The two most common home water treatments are water softening and water conditioning. How do you know which is right for you? Here are some facts about water softening vs. conditioning in Scottsdale, AZ that can help you make the decision. Water softening Water softeners use... View Article
Water filters are an essential addition to your Scottsdale, AZ home or business—they help uphold a high standard of water purity that tap water often cannot achieve on its own. Typical water filtration systems are adept at removing about 99 percent of contaminants, particles and sediment from your water supply, making your water safer to drink and use. Water filters work by removing these contaminants in three important steps. Residential and industrial water filtration systems can be incorporated into every property for a simple, low-maintenance solution to your water sourcing needs. Water filters purify in three simple steps First, water... View Article
Industrial water filtration equipment benefits Scottsdale, AZ businesses in a wide variety of industries, and really any business that needs to protect its water supply from becoming a source of contamination. In fact, if you process more than 12 gallons per minute, a good filtration system is a must. There are several types of water filtration systems available to businesses, and each is suitable for different industry requirements. Depending on your company’s needs, the right industrial filtration system offers a host of benefits to the user. Types of industrial filtration equipment To improve your water quality and spend minimally on... View Article