Why It’s Important to Have a Water Filtration System in Your Scottsdale, AZ Home

June 28, 2021

Having easy access to clean drinking water is a fundamental building block of human civilization. This is why every home has tap water. But have you ever thought about what’s actually in your tap water?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has uniform guidelines that state what levels of chemicals are acceptable in residential drinking water. But if you live in Scottsdale, AZ, you might still want to implement a water filtration system. Using water filtration can provide you and your family with exceptionally clean water. Here’s why that’s so important.

Where the water comes from

Over 90% percent of the water in Scottsdale, AZ comes from the Central Arizona Project and the Salt River Project. The Central Arizona Project is a water treatment and delivery system that’s over 300 miles long and draws from the Colorado River and Lake Havasu. The Salt River Project, meanwhile, is a series of dams and canals that feed into the Chaparral Water Treatment Plant. As you may have guessed, its water source is the Salt River.

Why does this matter?

Although the water from the above two sources is treated extensively, because it is surface water, there are some unique challenges regarding its purity. While no water will probably ever be 100 percent pure by the time it reaches your tap, the following chemicals may be present, albeit in trace amounts, in your water.


The EPA has stringent regulations on acceptable amounts of chemicals in residential drinking water. Chromium-6 is not one of the chemicals listed by the EPA, so there is no legal limit. Because Chromium-6 may cause cancer, this is a problem.


When dissolved in water, arsenic is tasteless, odorless and colorless. It can get into the water source through multiple industrial means, including the spraying of apple orchards and the disposal of coal ash. This cancer-causing chemical is on the EPA’s radar and the acceptable amount is 0.010 micrograms per liter (mg/L).

Radiological pollutants

If you’ve ever gotten an x-ray, you’ll likely recall how the technician always left the room while the machine was taking the x-ray. This is to avoid repeated and prolonged radiation exposure. But unfortunately, radiological contaminants can make their way into your drinking water.

Radionuclides can get into the drinking water naturally through trace amounts found in rocks, minerals and soil, as well as in the process of mining.

What can you do?

Knowledge is power, and knowing about these potential hazards allows you to protect yourself and your family against them. The best way to purify your drinking water is to use a water filtration system. There are many modes of water filtration, including solid carbon block and reverse osmosis. Whichever you choose would likely be a matter of personal preference.

Call for your water filtration system today

Now that you’re aware of some of the contaminants in your drinking water, give us a call at WES Water for all your water filtration needs in Scottsdale, AZ. We’re the industry experts when it comes to water treatment, and we’d love nothing more than to provide you and your family with drinking water that’s safe and refreshing.

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