The Most Serious Water Contaminants and How to Remove Them Using Water Filtration Systems in Scottsdale, AZ
Have you ever wondered exactly what is in your drinking water? The last couple years have seen water quality issues make national news, especially with the ongoing controversy surrounding the lead-laden water of Flint, Michigan. Now, people are taking greater interest in the quality of water in their own homes and businesses, and using water filtration systems in Scottsdale, AZ to ensure the water that comes out is safe for use and for drinking.
Even water that is regularly monitored by responsible municipalities can still have contaminants that enter the water supply. Here’s a quick look at what you should know about water contamination and how to protect yourself from it.
Potential sources of contamination
The vast majority of the water we drink comes from natural water sources in our areas, such as lakes and rivers. Depending on the source of the water, that water may contain bacteria and microorganisms that are found naturally in those sources, or pollutants from nearby industry, roads and agriculture. Some of those contaminants are naturally filtered away as the water flows through rocks, sand and soil, but in some cases, those rocks can also deposit more minerals and contaminants into the water.
Water must be processed, then, before it can be considered safe to drink. This is done in municipal facilities, which treat water to remove concentrations of minerals and chemicals over certain thresholds established by federal and state health agencies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tracks and regulates more than 80 types of water contaminants. Some of these are much more dangerous than others, such as E. Coli, lead, pesticides and various types of radioactive elements. Others do not have the same types of immediate or long-term effects. The common goal is to ensure all water is safe to drink.
Municipal filtering
As mentioned before, municipal water treatment plants are responsible for filtering the water to remove particulates. They then disinfect the water and apply chemicals to remove other contaminants and harmful microbes.
Just because there are added chemicals at the municipal level does not mean the water is contaminated further—any water that comes from your city supply should be safe to drink, as long as there is no malfunctioning equipment or negligence on the part of the municipality. Still, you are able to remove some of these chemicals with water filtration systems at your home or business if you wish to do so. These chemical additives commonly include chlorine, fluoride and chloramines.
The small amounts of chlorine kill off harmful bacteria, viruses and microbes. Chloramines are also used to disinfect water. Fluoride is controversial in some circles because it is toxic in some forms, and long-term overexposure can result in tooth damage, brittle bones and joint pain. For all of these chemicals, though, the amounts found in your drinking water are going to be perfectly safe, but you can eliminate any doubt by filtering them out.
For more information about water filtration systems in Scottsdale, AZ, contact WES Water today.
Categorised in: Water Purification System