How Much Money Water Purification Can Save You You can save a lot of money by using water filtration systems. In fact, you may end up recouping the cost of your system over the course of its lifespan. Bottled Water The average American spends around $4 billion on bottled water every year. Buying bottled water is not only expensive, it’s also doing more harm than good to your wallet and the environment. You can eliminate bottled water and save hundreds of dollars by getting a water purification system in your home. Aside from the obvious health benefits, filters can make tap... View Article
Cleanliness Water is a ubiquitous element in our lives. From drinking it to cleaning it up, ensuring our water supply is pure and clean is vital to maintaining a healthy environment. As such, we should be paying attention to the most efficient and effective ways to treat it. Among these methods is the use of a commercial water filter. These machines remove contaminants like heavy metals, bacteria and even microorganisms. The best commercial water filters also come with a host of extra features and benefits. One of the most notable is the fact that these products can be used in... View Article
A water softener can be a great addition to any home, not just because it can improve your water quality but also because of the health benefits it can provide. Water softeners work by removing minerals from hard water, making it gentler on both skin and hair. This can lead to fewer skin irritations and less dryness and hair frizziness. In addition, softer water can be more easily absorbed by the skin, leading to better hydration. Differentiating Between Hard and Soft Water Hard water contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals can come... View Article
Access to clean water should be a human right. We’re lucky in America to have a solid infrastructure system that strives to provide contaminant-free drinking water to every city and town—but, as we’ve seen in Flint, Michigan, that’s not always the case. City water sources can become contaminated, leaving residents susceptible to all kinds of harmful bacteria and toxins. Instead of relying on the city to provide you with clean water, take matters into your own hands by installing a water purification system. Keep reading to learn a few benefits of having purified water in your home. Add a layer... View Article
Thinking about installing a water softener at your Scottsdale, AZ home? Not only does softer water make tap water taste better and help your clothes feel softer and look cleaner, it also has an impact on the health of your hair and skin. Read on to learn about why a water softener is important for hair and skin health. What is soft water? There’s a big difference between hard and soft water, and more than just in terms of taste. Hard water contains high amounts of minerals, including calcium and magnesium. If you have hard water at your property, it... View Article