Blog | WES Water - Part 11

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The Benefits of Water Purification

December 5, 2022

People often use the terms water purification and water filtration interchangeably, but the truth is these are two distinct processes that accomplish two different goals. If you are concerned about the water quality in your home or business, it is important that you know the difference between these two processes. This quick guide will provide you with information on understanding the differences and benefits of water purification. Why Water Needs To Be Treated Water purification and filtration are necessary in the first place because almost all water from any source will have a certain amount of contaminants. Community water is treated with chemicals... View Article

What Is Water Conditioning?

November 28, 2022

If you are concerned with achieving the best quality water possible, water conditioning is something you should be aware of. Beyond water purification, this process allows businesses and homeowners to achieve the very highest quality of water. This quick guide will provide you with important information on water conditioning. Let’s get started. What Does Water Conditioning Mean? Water conditioning is a way to strain out impurities from a water source. Water softening is the practice of removing totally dissolved solids (TDS) from the water and is accomplished through ion exchange. During the ion exchange process, the water is percolated through bead-like... View Article

Effects of Unfiltered Water in Your Home

November 7, 2022

Using filters and purifiers to clean the water in your home is more than a trend; it’s a procedure that can help to preserve your family’s health. The following are some details about how unfiltered water can affect you. The effects of drinking contaminated water can be catastrophic. These are some of the ways unfiltered water can be dangerous to your health and wallet: Bacteria can cause disease.  Unfiltered water can have harmful bacteria that cause conditions like dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, etc. Thus, water needs to have some chemicals in it to keep down the bacteria. However, too many... View Article

The Benefits of an Industrial Water Filtration System

October 17, 2022

Drinking water prevents dehydration, a condition that causes your body to overheat, leading to constipation, kidney stones, and mood changes. That’s why health experts highly recommend taking eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals two liters a day.   The drinking water should be clean, but it isn’t always. Organic waste, heavy metals, and chemicals pollute the water systems. They impart a smell or unpleasant tang to water, ultimately compromising our health.  Thankfully, at WES Water in Phoenix Metro Area, we offer state-of-the-art commercial water filtration systems. Here are the benefits of installing water filtration systems for organizations.   Provides Pure Drinking Water An... View Article

What Is a Water Softener and What Does It Do?

October 3, 2022

Water softeners help to eliminate some of the minerals in water that cause it to be hard. Hard water is not necessarily bad for your health, but it can be a nuisance. For example, it can cause soap not to lather well, leave spots on dishes and clothing, and make hair feel dry and brittle. Hard water can also cause your appliances such as your water heater, faucet heads, and washing machine. What Is a Water Softener? With hard water, you’ll need extra laundry detergent to make your clothes look cleaner. Also, dishes can come out of the dishwater looking... View Article