How Do I Know How Many Contaminants or Impurities My Water Contains?
Are you interested in checking the water quality of your home? You’re probably going to want to know just how many contaminants or other impurities that water contains, especially if you’re looking to determine whether a water filtration system in Scottsdale, AZ may be necessary for your home.
Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just “checking the water quality.” There are a lot of different contaminants that can get into your water, so if you don’t know exactly what you want to look for or are interested in the broadest type of purity test possible, it’s a good idea to find a lab in your local area to see what they recommend based on the state of the water in your community. The first test you perform can then give you a clearer picture of the kinds of contaminants you need to test for in the future.
Here are some examples of the common water contaminants or impurities you can test for and eliminate with a water filtration system in Scottsdale, AZ:
- Bacteria: There are some common types of “nuisance” bacteria that, while not necessarily harmful if you plan on drinking the water, can still be an inconvenience. They may release iron or sulfur into the water during their life cycles, causing “off” odors or tastes, and can form a biofilm on the surfaces of wells. Then there are disease-causing bacteria such as e. coli and coliform, which you’ll want to remove from your water at all costs.
- Iron: Iron can lead to a yellow or orange tint in the water that causes stains on fixtures and laundry. It can also give the water a bitter taste. A WES Water Purification System can help you lower the iron counts in your water.
- Manganese: Manganese can show up as black or purple in the water and can also stain some plumbing fixtures while causing a bitter taste, much like iron.
- Hard water: When we talk about “hard” water, we’re referring to water that is high in calcium carbonate. Hard water can lead to a film on substances that get washed, or can build up inside plumbing systems and lead to clogs over time. It can also make it difficult for soap to do its job.
- Hydrogen sulfide (sulfur): You’re probably familiar with the smell of sulfur—it’s often compared to the smell of rotten eggs. It can show up in water, and is often naturally occurring, though it can be caused by bacteria. A high-quality filtration system can root out the problem.
- Lead: Lead in the water can be caused by leaded solder and old plumbing components. This has been a major issue in the news in recent years due to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Obviously, lead is extremely dangerous to ingest, and should be removed from water entirely.
For more information about the various contaminants found in water and how to remove them with a water filtration system in Scottsdale, AZ, we encourage you to contact the team at WES Water today.
Categorised in: Water Purification System